Well, a year has gone by and my precious baby girl has turned one. I should have posted this sooner, but the move and my day job and everything else slowed me down!
I wasn't going to do much for Emmie until after we moved but I had to give her something to remember this special day! Literally everything is packed in terms of sewing stuff and crafts but I managed to break into a few boxes and grab a piece of scrapbook paper for the hat and I remembered that I had made a halter top for E for the beach (but we didn't end up going) ..... So that paired with a lovely pink chair we kept in the playroom, a little cupcake that was in the fridge and a candle .....
We had ourselves a photo shoot!
She deserved this!!!! After all we waited for her for so long how could I skip over something so special.... It's kind of surreal. You see, all those months that we tried for Emmaline, I never really knew if God would bless us with a baby after our loss in 2010. I always hoped he would but never did I know for sure until we got the news that she was coming, and then the day that she ended up in my arms, June 8, 2012.
I had trouble getting pregnant for months and went through numerous fertility treatments and losses until one day in the fall of 2012 I was told that we were pregnant and was given a due date in June. Hold on people.... Did I hear correctly!??? My world stopped when I heard the date. I took a deep breath and thought, wow is this happening? YES! It was!!!!! There is a rainbow after the storm!
Everything we were hoping and praying for all these months was finally coming true. And now one year after her birth I am still I shock that she is here, healthy and the most beautiful gift we were ever given. What did I learn? Well, God is incredibly good, there is sunshine after a storm, and your prayers might not always be answered in the time frame you want.
Happy birthday to my sweet Emmaline Josephine, Emmie Jo, Emmie, Sweetie pie. We love you beyond forever. You are cherished more than you will ever know.
